The first two rounds are in the books, all the Iowa teams are sadly at home licking their wounds, and the cream is starting to rise to the top of our bracket pool. Or not. Who am I kidding? Really it’s still anybody’s game as long as Glen is out there with his Kentucky picks.

3) Tai (weird spelling) Ward – I’m going to use this opportunity to crow about being in third place, but man that bracket is broke. Half my final 4 gone and no national champion winner. It’s dead.

2) Ty (normal spelling) Miklo – Wait, what? Basketball coach with basketball knowledge does well picking basketball games. What a ringer.

1) Dan Sliwinski – No surprise when an optometrist has 20/20 vision in setting up his bracket. Still has seven out of his Elite 8 alive and the entire Final Four. Impressive. Currently the man to beat.

Full leader board is here:


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