I’m afraid Tiny Tim is a goner…….
unless you come to the FGCC annual Ugly Sweater Party on December 16th. Every year for the past five years we have gotten together to celebrate the holidays, to challenge each other as to who can post with the Ugliest sweater and to enjoy refreshing adult beverages served by “Celebrity” bartenders. As before, each shift of bartenders will be doing whatever they can to garner your tips as all their tips will go toward specific needs for the Club to grow and succeed. (A portion of the pool will also go into the “Tiny Tim Medical Fund” to go toward the unfortunate little waif’s medical needs. Seems Scrooge defaulted due to some losses in the Euro and can no longer fund Bob Cratchit’s health care. Okay, not really, but it did give a real holiday feel to it.)
Much more detail to follow to properly build up the excitement to a frenzy but for now mark on your Calendar –
FGCC Ugly Sweater Party and Fundraiser
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
6pm – 9:00 pm is awarding of prizes
Special Holiday treats prepared by Chef Bob, special drinks served by your friends and some truly incredible outfits. If you have not experienced this, you are truly really missing something – and I am not making this up.
Also, don’t be the one that led to Tiny Tim’s untimely demise. Only you can help.
Here’s what some are saying about the party:
“This is the best party ever” – Ghost of Christmas Past
“Gee, I can’t wait for the 16th” – Ghost of Christmas Present
“Really stinks that I haven’t been able to go to an Ugly Sweater Party at the FGCC. Oh, and not looking good for that Tiny Tim kid without your help” – Ghost of Christmas Future